Sunday, March 8, 2015

FourFiveSeconds. Rihanna n Kayne n Paul

things ive stolen

a cookie from the cookie jar
songs from youtube
lines from blogs
styles from stores
free time from my sister
clothes from my other sister
fun from my brother
a pen from dentists office
a mismatching sock
admission from a stranger who deserved it
life from someone who didnt want it
college funds from my parents
a car from my uncle
ideas from pinterest
quotes from hardin
instagram captions
my mind

things ive yet to steal

a heart


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhh i love the way you ended this.

    also the first line made me laugh
    well done

  2. Such a simple idea. I wish more people did this. Find the small, simple things in life.

    My favorites:
    the one about the blogs (of course)
    the one about the pen from the dentist's office (small, but important)

    And of course the last line. Good luck with that. It'll happen one day, I promise.

  3. Purity. SUCH a good line. Also the closer was brilliant.

  4. ideas from pinterest. YES. So on point. Also "things I've yet to steal
    a heart. " Awesome. Such a great line.

  5. wow this is so simple and so so so good.
