Wednesday, April 15, 2015

4 lines about boys

he gave me flowers on friday.
it wasnt anything special. he didnt want his, and i was walking by.

give it to your mom- she'll love them

but he gave them to me anyway. and i love him for that.

he drove over to my house on tuesday.
it wasnt anything special. he was bringing me a smoothie because i had a cough.

i dont need a smoothie- my mom bought me one earlier

but he bought me one anyway. and i love him for that.

he talked with me late wednesday night.
it wasnt anything special. he had a question about a girl and he wanted advice.

i didnt know that much- honestly someone else might know more

but he stayed and talked anyway. and i love him for that.

he compliments me every day.
its not anything special. just simple things.

yeah right my hairs just in a ponytail today.

but he says them anyway- in his joking yet kind voice. and i love him for that.

he finds me every day.
its nothing special. he says hi and always smiles at me. asks me what im doing.

im not doing much.

but he keeps smiling. and he listens. and i love him for that.

 This is so true i always do this more than anything.

boys are not all the same.
but they're all special in some way.

boys aren't perfect. and neither are girls.

but they're trying. and i love them for that. 


  1. "it's nothing special" sounds special to me :) And I love the repetition of "and I love him for that"

  2. Hm. I feel this.

    And we still love them for that.

  3. Mmmhm. This is beautiful. I hope lots of boys are reading this and taking notes. I am

  4. Huh. I get this. I love this. And the part about us crreating our own heartbreak from expectations is just so true.
