Saturday, May 9, 2015

its working

i really hate fake people.

can i just be real for a sec? i mean i know some people who literally say they like ____ about everything.

oh i LOVE pasta!
wait i know that song its amazing!
hey you know them too? they're super cool.
yeah i hate pasta too.
have you heard this before? yeah i havent either.
i dont think i know them...maybe ive seen them in my class once.

please dont. like please.
it drives me insane.

have a solid opinion for once!
id rather have someone tell me they straight up hate my taste in music than lie about it.
the worst is when you know the answer to the question already and they change the answer.

and please dont try to sound cool by knowing everything about everyone. who really knows everyone?? it doesnt make you look cooler in my opinion.

just be you.
dont care about what others think.

i grew up being told by classmates that i was fat. and i believed them until last year. i told myself that its all in your head. get over it. and be you. if you want your spouse to be them, then you have to learn to be you. and  you know what? its working.

ive done this for years. so im talking to myself too.

be you with everybody.
not just your boyfriend. not just your family. not just your best friend forever.

i lay it out tbh. well i feel like i lay it out.

yeah i dont know them.
that musics pretty good, but my favorite is one direction.
yep im getting pasta again.
the pink one looks better than the black one.

and you know what? its working.

the confidence is being built. brick by uneven brick.

its working.

this may sound sassy and a bit mean but i just had to say it.
please be you. its the best thing you'll ever do. 


  1. #courage

    It's definitely not easy to be real.

  2. K. I like thIs. Being real is scary but worth it i think. and the line about confidence building brick by brick is soooo good

  3. Oh my gosh this hit home. I never thought much about it until you, "layed it out," here on the blogs. There are plenty of fake people out there and I'm sometimes one of them. I'm glad you wrote this. Thank you.
